Hello Everyone...
If life would be dream it would be energy everywhere. But in reality with fuel and electricity process are rising up and paralleling energy is wasted out unwisely. In actual energy which is used in heating or cooling a space is lost cause of wrong insulation. Here are some energy saving tips and ideas for your home.
Energy saving idea works both inside and outside of your home. An immaculate garden can keep your place looking fresh and clean which looks good form inside your home too. You may plant as more as you can which also helps to reduce carbon footprint. If potential, plant trees, such as evergreens, to gloom your home building, and to defend it from winds.
First bright energy saving idea would be to get the costumes washed. Clothes come out clean whether they’re rinsed in cold or warm water – so to save on your water-heating bill, wash in cold rather than in warm, and warm rather than in hot water. Experiments have shown that you can use up to 50% less energy on washing with the heater off.
The best energy saving idea is to wear the right clothing. During summer, wear relaxing, light-colored, light clothing instead of heavy cloths. This will help to reduce air-conditioning needs as well as it help to reduce laundry bills so automatically it will hep to reduce energy bills.
Solar energy is take beneficial part in energy savings. Double glazing windows may help to save solar energy and you may use remaining energy to your home. Solar panels would be also helpful for home to get hot water.
Another good energy saving idea would be to confirm that computers are unplugged when they are not in use. Laptops also use 80-90% less energy than desktop computers, and smaller monitors use up less energy than larger ones.
So try it out the tips and ides for energy saving and make environment safe and healthy!
Hello everyone..!!!
Today I am going to share you something regarding environment. We all are not unknown that now it could do with to save environment. SO here are some going green tips to help environment.
1. You must close the dripping tap water, when it is not in use. By this way, it is estimated every home can save more than a gallon of water, which is very high when combined in a local.
2. Only use the dishwasher, when it is fully loaded. Try to avoid using it in fewer utensils. By this you may reduce your energy bills.
3. Switch off lights and heater whet it is not needed, which is also a way to go green. You may also buy some energy savings products which are easily available in market to your home to save energy.
4. If you’re thinking to renovate your home then must have double glazing windows as it is really favourable to home and environment both.
5. Reusing the furniture would help you to save money which is spent on newer furniture. Such as, one can modify a table by totting up sheets of wood to it and create his own cupboard.
6. You must recycle waste paper, plastics, glass and metals.
7. To have solar thermal systems is also beneficial for house and environment. By this you may get solar energy which you may use in many sources. It will also help to improve your home value.
These are only a few of the many going green tips. Going green is something that every human take part of it, not many but few things to involve you in.
Remember, with just a few green tips we can change the world. We can all save some water or electricity or energy, and start impacting the environment in a positive way!
Reduce Carbon Footprint, I don’t think many of people known about it. What does it mean and what is the relation between it and global warming, that I will explain you here.
A carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly done by a human being or association and it can also be a result of an event or product.
It has units of tons or kilogram of carbon dioxide counterpart. In the best viewpoint, a carbon footprint is a measure of the affect or impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change and global warming.
Let's start by doing these simple things to reduce carbon footprint and a simple small step to help environment.
1. Just go threw with first way to replace your electricity from renewable sources like solar, wind and hydroelectric power. By doing this you will reduce carbon footprint contribution from electricity to zero.
2. Fit solar thermal systems at your home, by this you will get hot water and electricity at 0 costs. Also it will help to reduce carbon footprint.
3. Turn off electrical appliances when they are not in use. Repudiation the central heating and water heating setting by just 2 degrees will make a significant saving. Fit energy saving light bulbs.
4. Make sure that washing machine and dish washer are used with a full load. By doing this will save you water, washing powder, and electricity.
5. If your thinking to renovate your house, must buy double glazing as it collects the sun rays and convert it into energy which we can use as electricity at home.
6. In your workplace, unplug your monitor and computer and even lights when you are away or leaving from your desk. Don't print unnecessary documents and try to print 2 sides of the pages.
Reducing carbon footprint is just a matter of attitude. By doing these simple tips will make a momentous collision on slowing global warming.
HI Everyone…
Some changes in energy Efficient make your home more comfortable and will helps to improve you home energy rating for long term with financial benefits. New energy savings products or energy rated products will also helps you to reduce energy bills. Indirectly this is beneficial to environment as it will also reduce carbon emission, a major concern these days.
But before you take any investment in home energy systems, just go threw some simple things from where you may get instant benefits with easier way. These tips need little or no new investment!
1. In your electronic items TV, Sound Set, DVD Player etc always catch power connections off a Power Strip with on-off switches. So unplug it to reduce energy bills.
2. Turn off your computer and the monitor when not in use. Optimizing the brightness levels will reduce monitor power utilization.
3. If you’re thinking for renovation; so it is favourable you have doubler glazing windows as its glass collects sun rays and converts it into solar energy.
4. Always wash full loads of dishes. Avoid using hot water unless your dishes are, for example greasy.
5. Solar panels generate for free electricity and hot water. By using solar thermal systems for surely we reduced our home electric bills, even eliminating it completely on some months.
So, go threw these simple steps and find the changes concerning energy rating. Not only that, these will also help to increase your home value when one day you want your home to sell it!