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Reduce Carbon Footprint To Help Environment

Reduce Carbon Footprint, I don’t think many of people known about it. What does it mean and what is the relation between it and global warming, that I will explain you here.

A carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly done by a human being or association and it can also be a result of an event or product.

It has units of tons or kilogram of carbon dioxide counterpart. In the best viewpoint, a carbon footprint is a measure of the affect or impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change and global warming.

Let's start by doing these simple things to reduce carbon footprint and a simple small step to help environment.

1. Just go threw with first way to replace your electricity from renewable sources like solar, wind and hydroelectric power. By doing this you will reduce carbon footprint contribution from electricity to zero.

2. Fit solar thermal systems at your home, by this you will get hot water and electricity at 0 costs. Also it will help to reduce carbon footprint.

3. Turn off electrical appliances when they are not in use. Repudiation the central heating and water heating setting by just 2 degrees will make a significant saving. Fit energy saving light bulbs.

4. Make sure that washing machine and dish washer are used with a full load. By doing this will save you water, washing powder, and electricity.

5. If your thinking to renovate your house, must buy double glazing as it collects the sun rays and convert it into energy which we can use as electricity at home.

6. In your workplace, unplug your monitor and computer and even lights when you are away or leaving from your desk. Don't print unnecessary documents and try to print 2 sides of the pages.

Reducing carbon footprint is just a matter of attitude. By doing these simple tips will make a momentous collision on slowing global warming.

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